Lawn House: Mobile house with a green facade

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We all love greenery around and inside our abodes. Designers from Anna Rita Emili-Architect also do realize it, and that is the reason, maybe, they came up with a biocompatible, trapezoidal, green lawny structure named the Lawn House. Conceived back in 2003, the mobile house features a variety of green features like perfect insulation, water drainage system and natural ventilation as well.

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A series of flexible PV panels – amorphous mono or polycrystalline – are embedded into the green structure to ensure an unremitting power supply. Anchored through a docking system, you could see these seemingly transparent solar modules implanted all over the lawn surface. Another facet that impresses me is the natural integration of the mobile house with the surrounding landscape. Two transparent panels forming the house door and a window make for a faultless natural ventilation system.

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Did I tell you about the dimensions of the house? Well, in meters, they read 3L (earth layer with a rolled lawn system), 20Hx1 (height of the entire structure) and 20D – a bit confusing to understand. Lastly, the designers make sure that biodegradable material goes into the construction of the green home. So when you abandon it, the house will bio-degrade gradually without polluting the place it was occupying.

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