Spiral galaxies fill space with remnants of galactic digestion

spiral galaxies fill space with remnants of galact

As part of a major revelation that could help us understand the formation of the Milky Way better, David Martinez-Delgado, the astronomer from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, and his team has a closer look into the galactic evolution. They have come up with some new images, which reveal that our Milky Way could be one of the digested dwarf galaxies that fall prey to bigger, spiral galaxies.

spiral galaxies fill space with remnants of galact

The intergalactic feeding phenomenon is nothing new to astronomers. However, these new photos of the spiral galaxy M63 (Sunflower galaxy), which were taken using a remote-controlled, privately owned telescope in New Mexico, show tidal streams and other structures around it in their fullest glory.

spiral galaxies fill space with remnants of galact

spiral galaxies fill space with remnants of galact

Image Credit: R. Jay GaBany and D. Martínez-Delgado, MPIA

Via: National Geographic

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