Nearly a century old recycled newspaper house makes an eco friendly statement

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‘I always resented the daily waste of newspapers after people read them for a few minutes’. This was what went through a Swedish immigrant Ellis Stenman’s mind around 90 years the moment he saw newspapers heading for bins once the reader had absorbed the daily news intake. He decided to creatively use the paper trash and build a summer home at Rockport, Massachusetts entirely out of recycled material. Stenman used wood for basic structure and invented a machine that pressed paper an inch thick to make for the wall material that also provided necessary insulation. Interestingly the fragile house has also withstood harsh climate including snow and rain all this while.

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What began as a hobby in 1922 culminated in an eco friendly abode in 1924 that was later furnished by Stenman in chairs, tables, lamps, and even a piano out of rolled-up newspaper, held together by a glue created using out of flour, water, and apple peels. The Stenman house today stands as a major tourist attraction constantly reminding us of our green duties.

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Via: TreeHugger

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