Mouth watering chewing gum celebs you’d want to munch all night long

jason kronenwalds chewing gum portraits

Ditching the toxic paints, a Toronto-based artist makes chewed pieces of bubblegum his choice to create amazing celebrity portraits. Jason Kronenwald started playing with this strange material back in 1996 and the latest addition to his name is “A Fresh Pack of Gum Blondes.” His latest work features portraits of famous blondes, from Britney Spears to Madonna to even Hillary Clinton, all obtained from chewing gum.

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Kronenwald doesn’t use any harmful dye for the color, instead he obtains the required colors and tones from different colored gums. The perfect portraits are formed by working with the gum on a plywood surface, which is then sealed with an epoxy resin that protects and preserves it for long periods of time. These unique artworks are truly inspiring.

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Via: OddityCentral

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