Discover the breathtaking world of green art with bottle cap portraits

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Molly. B. Right’s artworks are sure to cast a spell on you. At first glance, they may seem just like any other brilliant painting, but upon a closer look you realize that the masterpiece has been created by something as mundane as a bottle cap! Using bottle caps, this innovative artist creates some large-scale, brightly colored portraits.

The artist

Molly B. Right is a self-taught artist who is very passionate about painting. Born in 1963, in Greensboro, NC, she began to paint from 1993 and has produced some spectacular masterpieces since then. The subjects of her artwork have a wide range, from memories of her childhood to minimalist figurative works, everything finds a place in her world of art.

The Inspiration

In the recent past, the imagery most often painted on wood and metal panels, on the theme of “Jesus Saves” had caught Right’s attention. Her own bottle cap work of art was born out of this source of inspiration. Right’s bottle cap paintings in the beginning featured Jesus and Mother Mary. But now it also features many other great iconic and archetypal women who have displayed grit and determination.

The artist herself says that when she thought about the phrase “Jesus Saves,” she wondered what does Jesus save? She wondered if Jesus would save ordinary things like rubber bands and bottle caps! One thought led to another and finally emerged her series of bottle cap paintings on Jesus, Mother Mary and other women.

The material

The artist uses bottle caps, glue, a painted portrait, sheet metal, and transparent glaze to create these spectacular portraits.

The artwork

These beautiful portraits pop out of old bottle caps that date from the ’30s to the ’70s and have quite a vintage value to them. The artist uses a colored portrait, which is painted on a metal sheet. The bottle caps are then stuck to the painting, so that the colors blend in by overlapping and the whole thing has a snake skin effect.

A great deal of care is taken to ensure that the glue is not visible in the finished product. At times transparent washes of glaze are used to refine the artwork to perfection. The dimension of an average portrait is 4′ x 5′ and weighs about 60 to 70 pounds. Bottle neck painting have been created of figures ranging from Medusa, Mother Mary, to Cher. Molly has also created portraits of a geisha figure, Jack the poodle, and many others.

Green aspects

The artist uses bottle caps, this displays creativity, while promoting recycling of products that are otherwise categorized as scrap. Bottle caps are easily available anywhere and her work might inspire others to create new works of art through recycling waste products. The entire process makes use of no harmful chemicals so there is almost no adverse effect on the environment. The artwork created is of a high quality and can be purchased for its unique decorative value.

Via: OddityCentral

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