Corky Mouse: Click to produce kinetic energy!

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Adele Peters might just be the winner at the Greener Gadgets Design Competition this year. One of 18 entries that made it into the competition was Peters’ Corky. This unique cork-based mouse is a kinetic energy harvesting mouse that utilizes the energy generated by flick of a wrist to power itself. It uses piezoelectric elements to generate energy every time you click or move it around on your desk. Even rolling the scroll wheel will generate energy.

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If harnessing kinetic energy is not enough to impress you, then Adele has added an extra pinch of green to the mouse. She has made the Corky mouse using 100 percent recycled plastic components and recycled and biodegradable cork. With the creation of this innovative mouse, you no longer have to depend on the disposable battery-powered portable wireless mouse, whose batteries eventually end up in landfills. Just in case the Corky has succeeded in impressing you, be sure to vote for it in this year’s Greener Gadgets Design Competition.

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Via: Inhabitat

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