Belgians to dissolve and flush dead into sewage system

cemetry eco friendly burial

It’s good for the planet. Belgian undertakers, who plan to subject the corpses of the dead to some caustic solutions and, eventually, flush them down the sewer drain, believe it to be a sensible alternative to normal crematory practices. Besides, the liquefied snippets and ash will be recycled in water processing plants.

A spokesperson for the Flemish Association of Undertakers says…

The idea is for the deceased to be placed in a container with water and salts and then pressurized and after a little time, about two hours, mineral ash and liquid is left over.

As the European Union is reworking on the proposal to resolve some valid concerns, which includes safe disposal of liquid waste, any affirmation would imply riddance from polluting crematoria, gas chambers and interment wastelands.

Via: Spiegel

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