Nature Guide

10 fascinating table top mountains in the world

Table top mountains are amongst some of the oldest geological formations on the surface of the Earth and date back to around two billion years ago. These formations are isolated from ground level and you can call them islands above the land. Ta

Top seven endangered trees

Trees are our lifeline as they give us oxygen which we use for breathing. We should try sincerely to save trees from extinction. These days many trees are facing the threat of extinction and they are known as endangered species. Several countries ha

Five most sustainable plant species

You may already know that smart plant selection is the single most important way to create a low-maintenance, high-enjoyment garden. We offer a list of top 5 sustainable plants, selected for their non-invasive habits, as well as their resistance to diseas

5 Facts about rainforests you didn’t know

Rain forests are very dense, green and home for many species including insects, worms, birds, reptiles, micro organism, etc. They are characterized by high rainfall throughout the year. In rain forest, annual rain fall is more than 1700 mm to 2000 mm. The

7 Most stunning destinations for ecotourism

The craze for ecotourism is growing at a rapid pace these days with many willing to spend money to visit ecofriendly destinations across the world. The world has several stunning destinations for ecotourism which are frequented by tourists round the ye

10 Oldest trees in the world

The world has several old trees of different sizes and species. The age of trees is determined mainly by counting the rings in their trunks and these days carbon dating is the most popular and perfect way of counting the tree’s age. It is tough to de

Seven best antipollutant house plants

What people do in the present time, they spent thousands of rupees in order to buy latest floor and vacuum cleaners which they think that these things will help them keep their house clean. But these things finally leave you in curch as they at the last

Seven plants that can easily kill you

It is a well said verse that do not judge a book by its cover as what looks good on the outside may or may not be always good inside. Doll’s eyes, English yew, angel’s trumpets, wolfsbane, belladonna, are all beautiful plants but do not let their vibrant

Seven magical air purifying plants

Plants are the green janitors of the earth. A potted palm here or a fresh fern there not only lends an elegant look to the ambiance, but succeeds in cooling the atmosphere considerably. They possess the ability to absorb carbon dioxide expelled as exhaust

Seven ways to save the oceans

Oceans comprise more than 70% of our planets territory, and remain without any doubt the most precious and valuable asset that mother nature has endowed us with. It is our most important responsibility to protect it from extinction and getting polluted. T

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